Thought I would have a look at 4th photo in 4th File. What do I get? Me in Garden? Children frolicking in Wood? Husband looking handsome at Beach? Cute ones of kittens?
I get one of a Teddy. My 2nd son's Teddy. Somehow he has sneaked in a picture of Teddy (and his Friend) and now it sits as my 4th picture in my 4th File. The 3rd Picture was of Me and Husband Laughing Gaily in Garden. The 5th one was Sweet Daughter on Swing in dappled sunshine.
4th one... Stuffed Animal.
Bloody Marvellous.
Should say that Teddy is actually my Fifth child.
Have to check that Teddy is with us before every Visit to Grandparents or Friends.
He once got lost when we were staying in Very Large Pile in Scotland. 29 bedrooms. Where the hell do you start to look for Teddy in a House That Size?
Looked. Looked more. Turned every pillow, cushion, Suit of Armour inside out(yup!Suits of Armour!)
Checked all bathrooms. Library. Dining Room. Drawing Room. Morning Room. Boot Room. Round Room. Ball Room. (!)
Son had to go to bed Without Teddy. It was Unbearable. His little face, bravely facing a lonely night, was pale and anxious, and fighting back the tears.
Will we find Teddy, he wanted to know.
Course we will! we answered.
Left him in his room. All alone. In Huge Four Poster Bed. Looking small and lost.
Ran round the house like Mad Things. Oh, and the Garden. Just a Thousand Acres or so. (Not really, but must Exaggerate or it's a little dull, don't you think?)
The next morning I was in the kitchen. We had looked Everywhere.
Sat down in Exhaustion next to Huge Aga in nice comfy chair. Sighed. Felt, inexplicably, that One Buttock was higher than the other. Lifted it a little and lowered it again.
Shifted in seat. Got off it. Checked under cushion.
The Ecstatic reunion! The Joy! The Wonder! I Hugged Teddy Tight. Had tears in my eyes.
Ran to find Son.
The Look on his face...
So, Meet Teddy.
He's the Dude on the Right, by the way.