Monday, 19 July 2010

Practice makes Perfect

Daughter was practising her flute this morning, crack sparrow.
'Mummy?' asks Youngest, munching on his cornflakes, 'Is Daughter playing that song backwards?'
Doesn't bode well for the Grade 2 exam soon.


Trish said...

out of the mouths of babes....!

Would be very clever if she could?

London City Mum said...

More importantly, how does he KNOW???


Anonymous said...

Honesty is one of the best qualities of young children. You never have to wonder what they're really thinking. If only we could all be like that as adults (and get away with it)...

Troy said...

She'll need to know that tune inside-out to be sure of passing the exam.

Expat mum said...

With two violinists in the family, I can feel the pain there. We couldn't recognise a thing for years, and then as soon as they become half way decent they talk about giving up. Pah!

Unknown said...

My eldest boy has asked to start the violin next term....we've got that all to come! Answers to your headache and wine query over at mine x

trash said...

I guess the only way to be sure would be to get her to do it again and see if you can hear the words 'Paul is dead' repeated over and over.

Ladybird World Mother said...

Trish - would indeed... but think would make head hurt!!
LCM - Very clever, is that boy of mine... can even tell when his underpants are on inside out. More than his father... xx
Jeff - if only... I think we might be lynched!! Hope Katie is enjoying every minute of Annie... we keep thinking of her!! x
Troy - !!! I was going to add 'and back to front' but I already did that, didn't I. Shame. xx
EM - Oh, I know that one... just force the buggers to keep playing until they are at least sixty. We MUST be able to listen to something good in the end, to make all that practising worthwhile. xx
terriyoung - OH PLEASE IN ENGLISH!! The google transtlator is just too knackered to translate anymore. x
KM - you already know how much I love you... thanks again!! x
Trash - aha!! Now I think I hear those very words...why didn't I think of that?!!xx

Humdrum Mum said...

Can you have palindrome musical pieces? -HMx

Tatersmama said...

LOL! The joys of having children, eh?
Now I'm thinking that maybe because she needs to know the song backwards and forwards, maybe you just caught the backwards part this morning?

Or maybe Trash has it right... ;)

Ladybird World Mother said...

Derrr....! Course you can...! Because we heard it. Again. This morning.
Actually could be quite a good wheeze... shall we create the Palindrome Sonata?! x
Tatersmama - aha... so THAT would be it!! How good she is to practise things both ways, eh?! xxxx

Rosie said...

I would say you have a great musician in your family if he recognises backwards music. Your school sounds wonderful!

Ladybird World Mother said...

Rosie - aha!! You mean that he might be musical?? Will have to get him started on flute too then. Only, could I cope with two lots of morning practice!! xx