Tuesday 16 December 2008

Blog Widower

I have created a Blog Widower. My husband is Getting A Bit Cross that I spend so much time on this machine, and not enough with him.
Every evening I find myself looking at the computer in a longing sort of a way... and creeping over to it. Stroking the keys. Then shaking myself in a positive kind of way, and walking determinedly towards the kettle. Or bottle.
I am a little addicted. Really. Sometimes I can be away in Blogland, somewhere in Australia, or maybe Canada. A son, or daughter, will come and sit close. Ask me a question.
'Yup, yes, what?' I will say. Crossly. Impatiently.
'Oh, never mind, Mummy.'
They walk away.
Relief. Back to Canada. France. Cornwall.

Well, it's not good enough, is it?
What to do?
Today is our 12th Anniversary. Our son is home from university. (My son but ours too, if you see what I mean)
I have put some champagne in the fridge. Bought smoked salmon. Lit a fire. I am now going to bath my three youngest ones. Make them laugh. Make them safe. Then I will put them to bed and Be With My Husband and Son.
Why am I on the computer now? Because they are watching Oliver Twist and I have precisely five minutes until the next break when it is Bath Time.
Blogging is bloody good fun. But am going to have to find a way of having the fun without Neglecting My Family.
Wish me well...
Off I go.
See you soon.
Will be thinking of you...


Suburbia said...

My dilema too! Be careful, it takes over, I am addicted and my H stopped mentioning it months ago!

Jayne said...

Oh yes, I understand exactly what you mean. Thankfully my hubby is just as addicted to some of the applications on facebook so we both sit on computers and fulfill our addictions at the same time!

Vodka Mom said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean. Same conversations in this house.........yikes.

Kitty said...

I think we can all 'relate'. The trick is to find a balance. Can you introduce your husband to some sort of addiction of his own, that will afford you some time for yours?

Happy Anniversary - have a lovely evening. x

claires inner world said...

The way I see it, I'm just getting my own back for all those hours my husband spends playing games on the XBox..

So get him an XBox, I reckon...!

Troy said...

What no more postings since the 16th? Sounds like your addiction is well in the past. Or did you "lit the fire" then put the computer on it? Here I am posting from the HK Virgin Airlines lounge at 5am UK time. A week without a computer but OMG it is good to get this quick fix before I board the plane.

Ladybird World Mother said...

Tiny moment here for one comment!
Thanks to you all... will leave individual ones later if time... and the date on the post was delayed as I damn well wrote it on the 16th and didnt post till yesterday. Derr..

Sven said...

As a real widower I can say that I wish I had spent less time with my "addictions" and more time with my wife.

Or a better solution is find things you enjoy to do together.

Unknown said...

Sheesh. It's a really tough call isn't it?
Some people bury their head iin a book and yet this is somehow more acceptable. sitting at the comupter seems to be regarded more as too much fun!

cheshire wife said...

My husband is addicted to researching his and my family tree on the Internet. Until I found blogging I was a 'computer widow'. Now we both have our addictions. I understand exactly your dilema. Belated Happy Anniversary.

Catharine Withenay said...

Is it really sad when you have to email your husband upstairs to tell him dinner's ready?

Happy Anniversary!

DJ Kirkby said...

Having read this and some comments on another blog from someone's wife, I am truely grateful that I have such a patient, magnificent and understanding man.

Ladybird World Mother said...

Sven - have left comment on your blog. You are a brave man and all my best wishes to you, especially at this first christmas. will think of you and your children. X
Tara - I know. Its just too bad isnt it! I wonder if he would mind as much if I read for as long as I l blog....
cheshire wife - my husband hates the computer as he uses it at work all day... and would hate to do it at home too... his love is the garden and I lose him for hours out there... but we do get the Best fruit and veg...
Catherine - LOL! Yes, dear, its a little sad!! Loved it though. I text my son when its supper. I reckon thats in the same sad category!
DJ kirkby - you are a lucky girl. So am I. Husband is the very best. But had a 'moment' with the blogging. Its more the children... I am just Not There sometimes as am so involved on this damned computer. Still, am now doing it in my time, except for now... have sneaked in a moment to do comments and children are hovering. Time to go!

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Yes - know exactly what you mean LWM. People say leave it until they are all in bed but am completely done in by then. Not sure what is best. I also know what you mean about comment addiction as well but am happy with my devoted followers/readers. Can cope with them...any more would push me over the edge!!!
Happy Christmas and a belated Happy Anniversary. I think we must enjoy our children when we have them...my daughter shouts at me that I'm "on red" (red light = v.bad) if I'm staring at the screen and ignoring her!

cheshire wife said...

My husband uses the computer all day at work but still comes home and spends all night and all weekend on it if I let him!

imbeingheldhostage said...

Hey, if we get our husbands together, they won't be lonely and that will give us more time for blogging...
You described this perfectly...looking at it longingly and stroking the keyboard..

funny stuff.

In case I forget or look stupid (I'm going back in time on your posts) Merry Christmas!!

Ladybird World Mother said...

Hadriana - you are so right, we must enjoy these children of ours, as they are little for such a short time in the grand scheme of things.
And agree (quietly!!) that its so nice to have followers and comments that you get to know, rather than a million (!) that you dont.X
CW - But do you???! My husband is at a screen every day (computer, not film!) and is longing to get outside at the weekend. Always to be found in his wellies in his veg garden...he thinks I am mad to want to sit here. But he doesn't Get Blogging, does he!imbeingheldhostage - now there's an idea... how can we get this to work?! Imagine if we got all our other halfs to play together... how many would that be... and we could just blogging well blog. Marvellous.

Libby's Library said...

I've admitted publicly that I'm a blogaholic. my husband doesn't mind, as it's better than my spending all my time on Ebay!