Youngest, caught up in the swing of it all, asked what he could do.
'Lay the table, please!' I asked, a little absently. Thinking to self that it was the easiest thing for a six year old to do. On his own. While I hurled food around and tried to make it look Master Cheffy.
Fifteen minutes later, happened to look at table. Youngest had been scurrying around, looking busy. Carrying things to table. Moving things off it.
And then I looked again. Because this is what he had done.
Two plates, very close together, a tomato on each one, the candle right next to us, everything in neat and tidy lines. Flowers picked from the garden. A water jug placed in line with everything else. Full to Brim. Candles sticks. Empty but so what. Heaven. Just looked and looked at it.
'D'you like it, Mummy?' asked Youngest. Looking a little anxious regarding my unusual Quietness.
'Love it, love it!' I said. And scooped him up in a great big hug.
When Husband got home he was shown the Table by a proud Youngest. Husband Ooh'ed and Ah'ed... Youngest looked pink with pleasure. He told Husband at great length how and why and what he had done. And Husband listened hard, well, he did after I kicked his ankle quite hard when it was clear he WASN'T listening. And when we finally got to eat supper, we kept the plates as they were and sat Very Close to each other. (Mind you, did move the candle as a little too close to right breast for comfort)
Until Husband nudged his elbow into my face one too many times, knocking lightly grilled salmon neatly down my bra, from whence I found I was unable to see it, as had gone down and under, if you see what I mean, and had to resort to trying to pick bits out and eat them. Nice.
Moved chairs to sensible distance then and talked about Nonsense till bedtime.
Thank you, Youngest. x
that is so lovely. I miss the spontaneous unselfconscious moments of children. Teenagers only do something nice when they want money off you:-)
thanks for sharing
I love it when smalls try and do something special for their grown-ups. Glad you kicked Husband, full attention and apprectiation definitely required for this spectacular dining set-up.
Am also mightily impressed at your choice of china. Seems all the special people have that one.
You obviously recognised that I meant 'appreciation', yes?
Bless. Like when mine (now 7, if you please) leaves a teddy on our pillows.
What a LOVELY story.
Oh, lord, that is so sweet!
I'm so glad you included a photo!
Thank you for the photo! I don't think you could have shown how ABSOLUTELY DEAR that turned out without it, even though you are the brilliant wordsmith you are. That was a great, warm "awwwwwwww" moment when I saw that snuggly little place he created for his mommy and daddy.
Reminds me that the best thing we can do for our kids is love each other! They feel so secure when we do. Good job on the subtle kick to get husband's attention!
This is sooooooooooo adorable!
Makes me wish that mine were babies again! OMGosh - did I really just type that? Someone knock me back into reality!!!!!
Yes...our younglings push us together and get us to give each other smoochy kiss. AAAAAWWWWW! (Maybe barf as well if you can't cope with that image!)
Oh so sweet! Aren't they just the most gorgeous creatures when they surprise us with such unexpected treats?
Is he free to marry yet? Have most appropriate match in 6yo Blossom. Comes with good dowry.
How gorgeous! My daughter thinks that throwing cutlery in vaguely the right place constitutes laying the table!
What a sweetheart! You obviously run a very civilised family....
I love that he gave you each a tomato! Great story and picture. Kids are the greatest.
I remember compaining to a waiter about an egg and his excuse was that he only laid the table. But not as well as your youngest did.
Utterly splendid.
Omigosh! What a lovely, lovely youngest you have, but I have to admit that I was rolling on the floor at the "and had to resort to trying to pick bits out and eat them" - mainly because I've been known to do that a time or two myself. (well,actually more from my belly button area, since I'm less than generously endowed "up top" and nothing really "catches", if you get my drift.)
Thank you youngest... and youngest's mummy for starting my day out with a good ol' guffaw!
They bowl you over don't they!
Don't you just love children - they are so logical. It was just as it should be. What is better than togetherness. A x
God am bollocks at commenting on comments at the moment. Have five children in the house slowly destroying the furniture. Husband home too hollering at people to be Quiet and to Help. No one is very sure of what he wants help with... but all is lovely but very very BUSY. But thank you all for lovely comments as ever... Youngest is rocking as ever with fab sayings every other minute. Impossible to post about them all. Keep having lovely summers everyone... and lovely winters if thats where you are! Kisses all round. Will be back to post soon about Stuff.
Love. xxxxxx
Just having a post-holiday catch-up, and nearly fell off my chair at your son's table setting. You have seen, I know, the artistic 'achievements' of the Not Waving children. If they'd accomplished something like this, I would have wept. Then called Elle Deco. A bright future beckons for your boy...
They really know how to touch us sometimes don't they?!
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