Saturday 26 January 2019

Wasp Mystery Solved at Last

It appears that we have some wasps in our kitchen. 15 or 20 seem to be having a right old time climbing up the window, sliding down and then climbing up the window again. I am having a right old time catching 15 to 20 of them as they climb up the window, and hurling them out into the garden, only to find 15 to 20 of them climbing up the window again.
Sat for several minutes staring at window yesterday, attempting to use peripheral vision to work out their entry point, as it were. Must have looked a little bit Special, sitting there staring so hard at nothing, one eye slightly out of focus and looking decidedly to the right. 
Heard buzzing! 
Jumped up and threw self towards area of sound. There was a wasp! Looked up, down, left, right.
Sat again. 
Stared at window again.
Buzzing AGAIN.
Leaped up again, and saw ANOTHER wasp, doing its thing on the window. 
Had brilliant idea that I could take video of window as I got on with something very useful.
Got iPad out. Spent some minutes setting it up. Put it on. Pressed little red button to start video. 
Brilliant, I thought. Saving lots of time! 
Went off and wasted lots of time, and then came back to watch video.
Watched blank window on video for 5 minutes. 
Right, I thought. Time for some action. 
Rang Pest Control at our local council offices. 
Kind lady explained that the wasps would all be dead by the end of November. 
Oh, I said. 
The Queen, she went on, had gone off to hibernate.
I hoped she wasn't talking about our dear Elizabeth.
All these other wasps would drop off slowly as it got colder. 
How much to get someone out? I asked.
£50, she said.  
And then I saw it. One dastardly wasp COMING OUT OF THE LIGHT FITTING! 
Aha! Gotcha!
Said brisk but fond farewell to kind lady from the council, grabbed chair under light fitting, and yelled to Middle Son to come and help. Made him stand on chair and remove light fitting.
Lots of them. Oozing out of light fitting and dozily careering off across the kitchen to climb up the window. More and more. Kitchen thick with buzzing.
Had most satisfactory time opening window and wafting them all out in the cold night air. The lazy ones who lay on the floor were swept up and thrown out too.
We are now officially a Wasp Free kitchen.
Now to deal with the rats in the chicken run.

NOTE: This was written a year ago last October. But I forgot to post it. And so I'm posting it now.


Vicus Scurra said...

She's back, she's back, it's the same one!

How we have missed you.

Tatersmama said...

Oh, how I've missed you!! And it's good to see that some things (or people) never change! I was laughing, right there at the end! Laughing so hard, I almost wet my pants!

Kathy G said...

OMG! Living with boys taught me not to freak out when I came across bugs, but IN THE CEILING!?! That would have been tough.

Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

Wonderful to read you again. Yay!! Seems sort of petty to complain about the invasion of Japanese lady bugs in the house.

Ladybird World Mother said...

You total dears. I am SO pleased to see you all! Missed you too...
Hope you're all well. I'll be along to visit very soon. What FUN!!
Biggest hugs, folks. xxxxxxxxxxxx

jabblog said...

I have just discovered your blog, in the circuitous way one does. It looks as if you have been away from the blog world for a while, but your faithful followers are delighted to see you back. I shall return! (That's not meant to sound ominous, by the way!)